Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Nap Partner

I've been sleeping a lot lately--between my 2 part time jobs and still being in my first trimester, I am exhausted by the end of the day. Saturday, Bud and I went to the beach but only lasted about an hour. The wind was too strong, and it just wasn't enjoyable. When we got home, we didn't have anything to do, so I took a nap with my favorite napping partner, Lacey. I always thought I would NEVER let a dog in my bed. I changed my mind very quickly while Bud was in the field in December. I was able to sleep amazingly better the nights that she slept by my side, and it's been hard to kick her out since then. She also sleeps much better when she is with us, so it's a win, win situation. :)

Plus, how can you not love waking up when this is what you see?!?

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