Tuesday, May 4, 2010

June 1!!!

Got my appt made today for the ultrasound....June 1st at 3 pm. The best part? Bud gets to be there. We are both really looking forward to it.

So, now time for opinions....what do you think this baby is? Leave a comment for us so we know what you think!

Boy or Girl? Frills or Spills? Let the guesses begin!

Bud: boy

Emily: girl


  1. I'm guessing boy! :) Hope you're feeling well! The ultrasound is so awesome - you will love it!

  2. I'll go with girl right now, but I'm starting to lean towards boy...sorry em!

  3. hmm...i'd say girl if he worked in 610, hub swears the machinery there kills all the y chromosomes! lol. i don't know, there are lots of boys being born right now, tough decision! i can't wait to know what you're having, super exciting!
