I hate packing. When Bud decided we could have the military move us the last time we moved, I did a happy dance. The thought of not having to pack anything but the few things we needed to last us a week made me oh so happy. I have been dreading packing for this trip home, because not only do I have to pack for myself, Bud and the dog, now we have a baby. And, that just adds a LOT.
This is the start of our mess. Bud is easy to pack for. He could pretty much care less what I pack for him as long as he has clean clothes to put on every day. So, he is almost done. I, on the other hand, pack like a typical girl. "What if I need to dress up? What if I need to have comfy clothes? How many layers? How many shoes?" Sigh.
Oh well. I have 3 more days to get it all done. We are going to pack the car Thursday night so we can head out ASAP when Bud gets home from working and start this loooooooooooooooooooong trip we have ahead of us. Wish me luck!