She makes the craziest faces, and constantly claps for herself. :) She loves to give kisses and sometimes hugs, and is really a genuinely sweet baby. We adore her and can't get enough of her.
This month, my main goal is to get Claire on a real schedule. Her days are pretty much the same, but between trips home to MN and other stuff going on here, it has been almost impossible to do it until now. We will be home from now until the very end of July, so I have about 6 weeks to work on this. Wish me luck. :)
Good luck with the schedule! My nine month old started to get on a good NAP schedule a few weeks ago, but that's gone. Starting over again ASAP, but not very hopeful.
With my first three, this was really not an issue. Consitency is key, but even when I AM consistent, little Bobblehead is just stubborn. For instance, today was another nap boycott day. *sigh*
Anyway, like I said, GOOD LUCK! :)